Volley Machine Rental

Dear Valued Players

You can now add the Volley Machine as a premium service to your OUTDOOR court booking at the time of checkout

Simply follow this steps:

  • Create your reservation as regular using the ULTRA Clubs APP and follow the booking steps.
  • In the check out screen, look for the button ADD SERVICE 
  • Search for VOLLEY MACHINE on the service menu and select
  • Pricing

Members: The Fee of the Volley Machine is waived for our Members for Outdoor Courts reserved at Non-Peak times, (bookings from 11:30 am and 4:00 pm Mon - Fri and All Day Sat - Sun).

Non- Members: You will need to pay the full value of our OUTDOOR court (all 4 players), plus the Volley Machine Service Fee of $45.00 for 90 min.

  • Review details, choose payment method and click BOOK

Your reservation will now be complete, an email with the details will be sent to the email associated to the profiles in the booking.

Friendly reminder that the complementary use of the Volley Machine is for Members only, if as a member, you add a second person to your booking, that person will be charged for their prorated portion of the court and Volley Machine Fee.

You MUST always check in at the Front Desk. 

The service of the Volley is not available for Peak Time.

If you wish to book the use of the Volley Machine on our Indoors or Legacy Courts, you will be charged the total value of the court plus the Volley Machine Fee, please request the service directly to the Front Desk. (based on availability)

Thank you again for being part of our Padel community. We look forward to see you in the courts!